The cornerstone of “Benin Smart City”, the project of digital city implemented through a public-private partnership (State of Benin and Benin Telecom Infrastructure) was put on February 11, 2016 by Beninese President Yayi Boni. Benin Smart City will be built on 12 ha, not far from the landing point of the new Ace submarine cable. Thanks to the country’s proximity to Nigeria, Benin plans to make Benin Smart City a hub for ICT development in the West Africa subregion. Once completed, Benin Smart City, whose construction cost is estimated at 120 millions of dollars, will house institutions, businesses, banks, data centers, auditoriums, conference centers, call centers, training centers, network monitoring, startup incubators, restaurant establishments, and shopping malls, etc. The objective is to create favorable conditions to facilitate the creation of 50 000 digital jobs in order to reduce the high unemployment rate, mainly among young people.